I’ve Retired My High Heals

March 21, 2009 at 3:11 am Leave a comment


A week ago today I had foot surgery on my left foot.  I’m finally coming out of my pain pill haze and able to put sentences together.   I’m completely flat footed.  I have no arch in my feet whatsoever.   For years my motto has been fashion over comfort!  I would kick my slutty platforms or high heals all over this town in my 20’s….NO MORE.  I’ve finally embraced my flats and have retired my high heals.  Any heal that is in my closet higher than 2 inches are being passed down to my BF Jennifer that wears the same size shoe as me.   Back in November of last year I began having knee pain.  I went to an orthopedic specialist….they took x-rays and I had an MRI done on my knee…nothing wrong.  A few weeks ago the pain starting shooting down to my left ankle and foot.   I began wanting to stand kind of sideways b/c that is what felt comfortable to me. I can’t ignore what is going on with my foot anymore.   I knew that my big toe on my left foot was not straight anymore….I knew that b/c my left big toe was not straight anymore it caused the bone on top of my foot to protrude….I knew that it was my left foot all along…I knew it….I just kept going…thinking it would go away.   So, 2 weeks ago I finally went to the Podiatrist.  He told me that I needed surgery ASAP.  He would have to break my big toe…re-set it….screw 3 pins in it to make it straight and shave the bone on top of my big toe down.  Then he told me after this was all over with I would need to get inserts specially made to wear in my shoes to give me an arch.   I’m on crutches right now.  I can’t put any pressure on my foot for at least another week.  Then I’ll be in a “boot”  for 6 weeks after that.   The pain has been pretty unbearable.   The next day after the surgery was hell.  I don’t enjoy taking pain pills…but, I’ve been popping them like candy over this past week.   I can admit without a dobut that I’m a control freak and right now I have no control over my life.   I can’t drive, take my kids to daycare, pick them up, sweep the floor, do the dishes, give the kids a bath, clean the table, do the laundry, clean my house,  cook dinner, or go to the grocery store.  Almost sounds like being on vacation.  But, not for this control freak.  My husband is running the show….doing his normal duties and mine.  I don’t like it….I hate feeling helpless.  His defintion and my defintion of clean mean totally different things.  I’m supposed to sit on my ass, keep my foot evleated and have a bag of ice on top of it as often as I can.   Thank goodeness I work from home b/c I could not even imagine trying to get ready and hobble into the office.  This morning I was going to the bathroon and I slipped on the bathroom floor.  I fell straight down and landed on my foot.  All I could do was cry and oddly enough laugh.  It’s been a long exhausting week.  I know I will get through all of this…. But, what is a control freak like me supposed to do right now?



Jen….STOP BEING A CONTROL FREAK!  Why not go back to that glorious statement you made… that momentary thought you had…”Sounds like being on vacation.”  That’s right.. you are on vacation.  Let your husband do these chores and let him do them HIS WAY!  Nothing will happen if he bathes the kids, cleans the house, cooks dinner, and straightens up the house Brian style.  Actually… something amazing may come of this.  Besides the fact that your foot will be fixed and you will no longer be in pain, perhaps your husband will have a new perspective and appreciation for who you are and what you do everyday.  And perhaps he will learn a few things that may make him more involved in these things from now on….maybe he will even start picking those damn pants up off the floor every once in a while.  Remember that everything doesn’t have to be perfect, that there is no such thing as perfect and that it will all be ok…. 🙂

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The Pants On The Kitchen Floor My Radio Debut…

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March 2009